Simcenter™ Testlab™ is a complete suite of data collection, analytics, and modeling application software for multidisciplinary test-based performance engineering in the core fields of noise and vibration, acoustics and durability. It is the ideal software for testing departments that need to be future-focused: offering the right balance between ease-of-use and engineering flexibility, and closing the loop with simulation. Designed to make testing more efficient, Simcenter Testlab increases productivity and delivers more reliable results even when the availability of prototypes is dramatically reduced.

Structural dynamics testing
LMS Test.Lab Structures software is a comprehensive structural dynamics and modal testing and analysis software suite, scalable from impact testing of small structures to large-scale campaigns using hundreds of measurement channels. Powerful analysis tools enable engineers to identify root causes of vibration problems and to explore the best solution for practically every structural weakness.

Transfer path analysis
LMS Test.Lab Transfer Path Analysis software helps to effectively identify vibro-acoustic problems and their origins, and to quickly evaluate design improvements. Transfer path analysis (TPA) provides a systematic approach to test-based engineering and assists engineers in troubleshooting issues and setting performance targets for critical components.

Acoustic testing LMS Test
Lab Acoustics software provides highly integrated test-based acoustic engineering tools, covering all possible acoustic testing domains: acoustic qualification testing, material and component testing, sound power and pass-by noise testing, sound source localization, vibro-acoustic engineering, as well as sound quality and brand sound engineering.

Rotating machinery testing
LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery software empowers vibration analysis in systems such as engines, compressors, electrical motors, pumps and shafts. This comprehensive toolset includes waterfall mappings, order tracking, time data acquisition and processing functions to analyze and visualize large data sets. Torsional vibration and acoustic measurements can be combined to investigate operational behavior and instabilities in the rotating equipment.

Durability testing
The LMS SCADAS Recorder hardware and LMS Test.Lab are ideal companions for accurate (road) load data acquisition. Universal signal conditioning enables easy setup of a large variety of tests. On-the-spot data validation prevents errors and annoying test reruns. LMS Tecware software provides an integrated approach to durability data processing, allowing flexible target setting and accelerated test schedule definition as input for virtual and physical product validation and optimization.

Dynamic environmental testing
LMS Test.Lab Environmental software comprises a high-speed, multi-channel vibration control system for dynamic environmental testing for spacecraft verification and validation. This system can be expanded to hundreds of control, measurement and limiting channels. The solution is easy to use for routine random, shock, sine and combined modes testing. LMS Test.Lab is designed for parallel acquisition and online reduction of vibration channels during random or sine closed-loop vibration control testing.

Vibration control testing
Closed-loop vibration control testing with LMS Test.Lab Vibration Control software helps engineers easily certify and homologate products, ensuring they can operate under external excitation and vibration conditions. LMS Test.Lab Vibration Control combines optimal ease of use with the performance and reliability of an advanced system. The system offers accurate closed-loop shaker control and built-in safety mechanisms that minimize the risks of damaging costly test items.
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