Traditional analyzers are extremely flexible tools for qualifying the noise, vibration or durability of products. They are easy to operate and immediately show the frequency content of a vibration, sound or fatigue signal. They are, however, also very limited.

Throughput recorder
Parallel to the analyzer applications, LMS Test.Xpress can function as a throughput recorder. The system directly streams data to disk and saves long data sequences at high bandwidth while maintaining flexible data visualization and manipulation. Throughput of data is also possible in standalone mode. Full data security is ensured with parallel data throughput to a personal computer (PC) and CompactFlash card.

FFT analyzer
The functionality in LMS Test.Xpress offers real-time analysis of FFTs, power spectral densities (PSD), crosspowers, frequency response function (FRF), coherences, etc. Users can determine resonances, damping values or harmonic content from the frequency spectrum. All functions can be averaged or tracked to a specific channel.

Modal impact testing
LMS Test.Xpress Modal Impact Testing software supports interactive and easy measurement using impact hammer excitation according to roving or fixedhammer techniques. The calibration wizard guides the user through the calibration process. Calibrator, channel information and data visualization in time and frequency domains are clearly displayed. Impact hammer trigger detection is fully automated with the trigger detection wizard.

ISO sound intensity and source localization
LMS Test.Xpress optimally supports sound intensity-based ISO certification tests for both point and scanning methods. Critical results such as ISO field indicators (F1, F2, F3 and F4), calculated levels (sound power, sound intensity and pressure intensity) are presented in tabular format. Corrective actions are suggested if the ISO criteria are not met.