Static and Pseudo-dynamic Test Rigs
Seat Belt Anchorages (SBA) Test System
New version of SBA test rig based in servo-electric actuators. The system includes a reliable real time controller with specific improved algorithms and control strategies for ECE R14 and similar type profiles.
⦿ Clean and silent operation
⦿ Optional Bed frame (different sizes)
⦿ Enlarged actuators positioning range
⦿ Straight forward and intuitive control
⦿ Optional wireless pad for remote operation
ADDITIUM has introduced for first time the use of ULTRA LIGHT high resistance chains (Tycan®) that will improve your Seat Belt Anchorage Test Rig operation and test set up. The chains are 100% made of Dyneema highest resistance fibre, providing a lot of advantages replacing traditional steel chains.
Head Restraint Performances (HRP) Test Rig
The Head Restraint Performance Test system is an electrical test bench able to evaluate structural strength and stiffness of seats, their backs, anchorages and
The heavy-duty system is a cost-efficient solution, capable of testing up to 3 seats simultaneously and independently.
The system has been designed according to the following regulations:
• FMVSS 202A, FMVSS 202
• ECE R17, R25
• GTR 7
• EEC Dir 78/932
• GB 11550 – 1995, GB 15083 – 2006
• IS 15546 – 2005
• AIS 016, AIS 023
Roof Crush and Side Intrussion (RCSI)
The Roof Crush and Side Intrusion Test System is a combined test bench designed to evaluate the roof and side strength applying a controlled load over them.
This quasi-static test system could be equipped with electrical or hydraulic actuator.
The system has been designed according to the following regulations:
• FMVSS214
• FMVSS216a
• GB 15743